So I thought I would take a few pics of our place for those that haven't seen our place yet...We are very blessed for our condo and it works very well for us right now.
Here is the Living Room...with our beautiful entertainment center. Can you believe that this was given to us??? Before we were married of course we were looking for good deals on furniture and things..Well a guy that I work with said he was wanting to sell an entertainment center he had. I told him to let me know when they figured out a price to sell it for. So the next week he came to me and said that he was just going to give it to us so that he could get it out of his house! I tried to get a price on it..but he wouldn't budge. Crazy eh?? We are very grateful for his generous donation towards the Saunders Family! :)
Dining area...Painting has been done..but haven't put lots of stuff on the walls yet. Plus my momma is helping me with it. I'm nervous to put things on the wall so thanks mom for you assistance in where to hang things and also painting!

Here is the kitchen. Before moving in it seemed like a lot of cupboard space..but we are finding now that it's not! haha..It works for us for now.

I tried to upload the spare bedroom pic...but it's not workin. I would take a picture of the master bedroom..but I didn't make the bed..too lazy today! It's a bit windy in Lehi, but we love our condo!