So we went to our nephews birffday party this week at the Classic Skating rink...It was a blast! We got in free thanks to South Jordan Elementary! Thanks guys!! :) It was their school's night at the skating rink so if you mention their school.. you get in free! Freak ya! Below are some amazing footage...
Our friend Matt came with us to party. Check out his totally amazing skills jumping off this ramp!
He gets some sweet air..


Prepares for the finale...

Tada!! Freak ya Matt!!

We be goofy...

We be skatin...

Isn't he freakin hot??? Yes...yes he is.

Ahh...BFF's. They were pretty entertaining in the "wipe out" game where you had to stop suddenly skating and get on the floor. They were the slowest and probably oldest people on the rink for the game!! haha...priceless.