Sunday, April 5, 2009

Big Gulps Huh?

Welp...I'm pregnant! Yep, I peed on one of those sticks a few months ago and yes indeed we have a baby on the way! We are so dang excited!

Was it planned you ask? Yes, yes it was. We had been feeling the spirit strongly before we got pregnant, knowing that it was time for us to start a family. Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways, and since we got pregnant, things have been falling into place. How very blessed we are. Our precious baby will be joining us in mid October!


Katie & Benten Shober said...

Yay!! Congrats :)

Tobler's said...

Yay! That is so exciting! Hope you are feeling well! Keep us posted! :)

Lauralee Altice said...

I'm so excited for you two and I hope you get feeling better all the time really soon!

Ash Att said...

that is awesome!!! congrats Heather!! how exciting!!

Toni Call said...

I am so so excited for you!

Katie L said...

Yay!! I'm excited that I'm going to have 2 little peanuts to cuddle. (yours and heids!)

Ashley & Kevin said...

so cute! congrats!

Fletcher Five said...

I can't tell you how excited we are!!! I keep telling the girls that a Sister Missionary we had here is having a baby, and they look at me like I'm crazy. They tell me you are too little (translation: young) to have a baby. The girls seem to think you must be like 15 or 16 cause you played with them not us. They are a hoot!!

Lyndsi said...

Congrats Heather! That is so exciting. I hope you aren't sick, or at least over the sickness!

Wilkinson Family said...

haha I love your ticker on the side of your blog!!! sweet cute

Miss Ciara Nicole said...


Sharp Times said...

HOw fun!! When do you find out the flavor?

Nielsen Family said...

Congrats! Babies are the best.